Wednesday, April 20, 2016


                What causes you to become afraid? All of us have things in our lives that cause that uneasy feeling in our chest, that butterfly feeling in our stomach, that semi-panicked feeling in your head. Fear is a normal part of life. We cannot avoid it, but we can learn to discern its cause and deal with it in appropriate ways.

                Fear serves a positive role in our lives. It alerts us to potential danger. It engages our senses so that our awareness is heightened. It focuses our attention on what is most important at this moment.

                Fear also can have negative effects in our lives. It can cause us to be overly cautious and unwilling to risk. It can immobilize us so that we do not act appropriately. It can become irrational and cause us to have a distorted view of our situation. Irrational fear leads to anxiety, which can dominate our lives and drain us of our vitality.

                Over 60 times in the Bible God tells His people “do not be afraid.” When God says this, He is not talking about natural fear, when we are faced with imminent danger.  He is talking about living in a state of fear that undermines our trust in Him.

                One of my favorite passages of scripture is Joshua 1:9. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua had just stepped into the sandals of Moses; pretty big sandals to fill. He was already anxious about leading this unpredictable group of people. Now God has commanded him to lead them across the Jordan River to conquer the Promised Land. That was a tall order indeed. We can understand if Joshua felt more than nervous. So God tells Joshua to be strong & courageous and to not be afraid. God had already assured Joshua that he would lead the people into the Promised Land and that he would have success. Those where great promises, but a little hard to grasp as Joshua stared at the swollen Jordan and the fortified cities beyond. So God assured Joshua that he would not be going alone. As God had been with Moses, so He would be with Joshua. With that assurance, Joshua confidently lead God’s people into the Promised Land.

                As we face the fears of our lives, there are several things we can do to keep fear in its place. First, we need to identify the source of our fear. We should ask ourselves the question, why am I afraid? Am I afraid of failing? Am I afraid of getting hurt? Am I afraid of conflict? Why am I afraid.

                The second thing we need to discover is why am I in this situation? Am I here because I did something unwise, or is this a part of the normal course of life, or has God lead me into this situation for a purpose? Each situation will take courage to face, but a slightly different approach.

                If this is a situation of my own making, then I need to approach it with humility. I need to confess to God why I am afraid and ask for His strength to confront the issue. Then I need to humbly enter the situation seeking forgiveness and reconciliation, if that is what needs to happen.

                If my fear is vague, nonspecific, and irrational, then I need to take it to the Lord and ask Him to give me a clear understanding of my situation.

                If the cause of my fear is a normal part of life, such as giving a presentation in front of a group, then I need to approach the situation with the assets that God has given to me. I can ask God to use my study, experience, and talents to give me the courage to face the situation with confidence.

                If I find myself in an unusual situation, one which God has placed me for his purposes, then I can go to God for the strength and the courage I need. If He has put me into this situation, then I can trust Him to guide me through it.

                One of the things that can help me to face a situation that makes me afraid, is to have someone go with me. God’s promise to Joshua is His promise to us as well. “I will go with you wherever you go.” Whatever it is that causes us to be afraid, we can face it in the power of God.   


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