Monday, August 23, 2021


 Colossians 1:16

For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.

                 I enjoy reading historical novels. I especially enjoy the novels by Jeff Shaara. He ability to take you right into the event is amazing. The best historical novels are based on real events with real people included. Of course, the author much creates the dialog and interaction between the characters. In any historical novel, the characters are unaware of the hand of the author. He or she remains shrouded in the background. If you read several novels by the same author, you can see the unique style is that author, but the characters themselves are totally unaware of the author’s existence. If the author wants the characters to be aware of him or her, then he must reveal himself in some way. The author must insert himself or herself into the story.

                We are living in the greatest historical novel ever written. The author is not human but God. He created the story and the characters before the world began. He is ultimately in control of the pace and the direction of the story. The story will ultimately end in the way that the author intends for it to end. The big difference between this amazing story and all other historical novels is that God has given the characters free will; the ability to make decisions and determine their part in the story. He did this while continuing to maintain control over the ultimate direction of the story.

                Like any historical novel, the only way that we, the characters in the story, can know about the author is if the author reveals himself in some way. Better yet, if the author inserts himself into the story. That is exactly what God did.

                God began by leaving clues of his existence in the world he created. He placed a special kind of curiosity within humanity that directed us to look beyond the tangible world to what lies behind. Throughout the ages, humans have always pondered the question of some power outside of this world that is in some way directing it. This curiosity has led to a variety of theories about the author of our story. They are very diverse and often contradict one another. Yet, they all seek to pull back the curtain and see the author of our world.

                In many ways, humanities attempt to discover and understand God are like people today trying to get to know some other person from a distance. Given the general information they have, they create an image in their mind of that other person. That image may or may not be correct. So it is with humanity’s attempt to give form and shape to God.

                In our everyday world, if we want to get a better idea of who another person is, we may ask people who are closer to that person. Because they have insights into the person that we do not, they can help us refine our image of that person. God took the initiative to reveal more of Himself to humanity by sending spokespersons, prophets, into the world to tell people more about who God is and what He is like. Through these spokespersons humanity gained a clearer, yet still incomplete image of God.

                The very best way to get to know another person is to actually encounter them personally. When I was in seminary, I had formed a rather negative image of a prominent pastor in the area. I thought he was arrogant and aloof. Then several years later I had the opportunity to encounter him personally. What I discovered was that my image of him was all wrong.

                The vast majority of people have an incorrect image of God in their head. The only way for that image to be corrected was for them to encounter God personally. So God took the final step and wrote himself into the story. When God sent Jesus into the world, He invited humanity to get to know Him on a personal basis. Jesus was God in human flesh. He made it clear that to see Him was to see God. Jesus revealed clearly the character and heart of God. He came to correct all of the false images that had dominated the world up to that point. The author walked on stage and revealed himself for all to see.

                Unfortunately, many people have hung onto their false images of who God is. Max Lucado shares the story of a time when he encountered a woman reading one of his books. After making small talk with her for a little while, he revealed that he was the author. She looked at him and bolded declared, “You’re not Max Lucado. He’s taller.”

                God revealed Himself to the world in the person of Jesus. But many people refuse to accept that. They claim that God is something very different. They hold onto their distorted, self-created image rather than accept the reality.

                We are all characters in the greatest historical novel every written. We have not come to the end of the story yet. But the author has chosen to insert Himself into the story. He has let us look behind the curtain and see the one who is putting it all together.

Hebrews 1:1-3

In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.



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